Preparing your home for an emergency

Residents of Texas are all too familiar with the chaos that can result from the emergencies and natural disasters the state has experienced in recent years. At Rickey McGill Insurance Agency in Arlington, TX, we are here to ensure that you have insurance coverage to help you recover from the losses caused by an emergency or natural disaster.

Emergencies often occur with little warning. It’s crucial to be prepared at all times to protect certain possessions and essential documents. Whether it’s a tornado, a flood, or an ice storm, it’s important to have your important papers together in one place so that you can grab them and go if necessary. They should also be stored in a water and fire-proof container.

Having a generator can make a significant difference between living life as close to normal as possible and having to rough it. Ensuring that you have fuel to run it is essential. Having lanterns and candles is vital if you don’t have a generator. We often take water for granted, which may be in short supply during an emergency. Having water for drinking, washing, and flushing the toilet is an important part of preparation.

Secure outdoor items. Bring in or put away anything that could become a projectile. Clean the gutters so that they flow freely, and keep trees and bushes well trimmed. Sandbags can come in handy if flooding occurs. Also, have an escape route if you need to leave the area.

When you have home insurance questions and needs, our Rickey McGill Insurance Agency team in Arlington, TX, can provide the answers you need. Call us or contact us through our website.